Saturday, February 5, 2011

Mom of a Son with Developmental Delays needs..................a handheld speaking device.

I was thinking that a talking handheld device with buttons would be so helpful. It would simply have a button for the 10 most used phrases that I repeat at least 50 times per day. Some things are just going to take some time. I wouldn't get so tired of saying those important things to my son Joshua over and over and maybe I'd laugh more instead. It would have a volume control so that he could hear me from anywhere in the house. I seem to have developed x-ray vision and a sixth sense. I somehow know what is happening even if I don't see it with my eyes. Maybe it's just that his behavior is very predictable. In any case, if you happen to know where I can pick one of those up, please let me know! It would help me keep my sanity at times. It has to have at least 10 buttons that say:

10. Stop Josh!
9. Keep your hands to yourself Josh!
8. Stay out of the refrigerator Josh!
7. Stop chewing that and throw it away!
6. No pushing, give that toy back!
5. It's time to go potty.
4. Pick up your toys.
3. Eat that in the dining room!
2. Stop banging it's not funny.
1. Be nice.

Of course, some of the most often said phrases don't need to be on a handheld device. Those would include, "I love you Josh," "you're too cute," and "you're a crack up!" Somehow I never tire of saying those!