Saturday, June 25, 2011

Mom of Developmentally Delayed Boy son has a future in baseball!

Well, there were 3 toys on the roof. They have been there for a couple of months actually. I thought the wind would blow them down or they would get pushed off by the hail or rain we've been having. You would think on those many occasions lately where we've had tornado force winds, that would have been enough. One was Josh's favorite baby girl doll, the one with the pouty look on her face. Josh picked her up and held her in her arms and refused to let go so I could wash her. I said, "well Josh for someone so concerned for their baby girl you only threw her on the roof and left her there for 2 months!" One toy was a plastic bendy man and then some kind of little stuffed spongebob from Burger King. I had told Josh the first time he did this not to throw toys on the roof. What would I do without all of Josh's teacher helpers who give him a small toy daily at school? I had wondered where they were disappearing to since I have to pick up about 150 of them several times a day it seems. I hadn't seen him throw toys on the roof lately but does that mean he didn't? If you've been keeping up with my blog you know the answer to that question is NO. So, today they were all playing nicely with puppy in the backyard so I decided it would be a good time to set up the ladder and pull the toys off the roof. But, what I discovered was many toys and things - in the gutter. There was a plastic bowling pin, a rotting baseball, pieces of sidewalk chalk, McDonald's toys and I don't know some things were barely recognizable. I wonder what other habits he has that I know not the extent of. So, I found more on the neighbors side of the gutter too that he threw way over to the next yard. Josh's new career option: baseball of course. That boy can pitch! Josh signs up to participate in the Special Olympics in 2 years and now I can say I've been working very hard in training him for the events! Who says a person with a cognitive disability couldn't get into professional sports too? Having Joshua on the team might improve my husband's Chicago Cubs standings! Well, even now he could help out. Just send him on the field to create chaos and distract the opposing team. We can call him the mascot!

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