Friday, December 31, 2010

Mom of a Developmentally Delayed Son wakes up to.................Jingle Bells!

The most interesting thing about living near Chicago is that the weather can change faster than my Joshua can make trouble around the house! For weeks we've had these subzero temperatures and snowstorms. Now today we have thunderstorms and a high of about 50 degrees! I heard a huge crash early in the morning with no lightning and thought we must be under a terrorist attack! Then, I heard rain and later saw lightning and realized it was just the weather. Well, Joshua woke up and came to snuggle with mom as did all of the other kids. So much for a king size bed for having enough room to sleep! So, he was sleeping and then suddenly sat straight up in bed and started singing his own rendition of Jingle Bells. After awhile it dropped off into something else. But, this was better than Folgers for the best part of waking up! "Beeble, baa, beeble baa, beeble baa, baa, baa, beeble baa, beeble baa, diga diga diga, Je-sus, Je-sus, my Jesus....deegaaah, dooga, dooga, dogaa, digee, digee, haaa, haaa, haaa, I go potty, I goo poo poo pease ahhhh, hahaha digeee digeee digeee digeee, I go eat pease........." I had to get out here and post it. Now he is playing basketball, his favorite sport. I can't wait to get him out to the basketball court in better weather. He loves playing it with the big boy neighbors! I've got to go now. I go pee, I go poo poo, I go eat - pease!

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