Tuesday, December 28, 2010

A mom of a developmentally delayed son.....owns a plumbing business!

With a five year old son with developmental delays, I never know what to expect. Expecting the unexpected and rolling with it is part of what makes me good at this! One of my Joshua's favorite tricks is to put things in the toilet and flush. Today I found the toilet paper roller stuck inside. I usually use the shop vac to pull out Thomas trains! But, there's more. We had to buy a special auger to push out a plastic bird whistle he also shoved in there. He did this in the few moments I spent on the phone. Thank goodness we have another toilet. I have it on my schedule to complete the job in the morning. Since I have learned so many plumbing techniques, purchased tools and performed so many jobs in my own home, I figure I'm worth at least 5K per year for this one duty alone. Now we do our best to avoid these issues, but with other siblings and the occasional toy lying around, it's impossible to entirely avoid. We use consistent discipline, provide structured activities and positive reinforcement, but eventually, when we least expect it he will do this again. At one time we bought a toilet seat lock, but he busted through that in five minutes flat!

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