Monday, January 10, 2011

Mom of a Developmentally Delayed Son discovers........balloons everywhere!

For several months now, I have noticed that whenever I am out with my son, he begins talking about balloons. I'll say something like, "OK - there are no balloons here Josh, I'm sorry." Yet he keeps on talking about them and jumping up and down. For the longest time I couldn't figure out why. Then, he learned to point to communicate and finally I realized that there really ARE balloons EVERYWHERE! Now everytime he starts talking about balloons he points up and there is ALWAYS a balloon. There was a helium balloon stuck on the ceiling at Walmart, church, Dominick's, Target, Walgreen's, Jewel, Giorgano's and IHOP to name just a few. Josh must really think alot of me because he really believes that I can retrieve them for him! Well, sometimes I can..... He can even see them going up to the sky. Josh loves to let them go and watch them fly into the air. The only problem then is that he no longer has a balloon to hold! Next time you wonder if there really are balloons everywhere just take Josh along and....look up!

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