Saturday, January 15, 2011

Mom of a Developmentally Delayed Son to properly eat a PB&J

My son Joshua gets more out of a peanut butter and jelly sandwich than anyone I know. Not only does it provide good nutrition but it meets his sensory needs, offers endless entertainment and joy, and it gives him a chance to make a huge mess to get a reaction out of mom if that were possible. Forget my attempts to teach him to eat with good manners. Forget all of my careful training about eating neatly. In fact, forget using a plate! According to Joshua, eating a PB&J properly can be done in just 7 simple steps.

Step 1: Take sandwich off plate to ensure maximum number of crumbs on the table and floor.
Step 2: Peel off the top layer of bread and set aside.
Step 3: Dig fingers into jelly the best part, make a fist and suck some of it into your mouth.
Step 4: Dig fingers into peanut butter. Eat some and then smear onto the table and chair.
Step 5: Eat the bread. Carefully avoid eating the crust.
Step 6: Toss some of the excess sticky crust onto the floor.
Step 7: Make sure to leave the table before mom has a chance to wash hands and face. Try to smear the living room couch, walls and other random places.

If you believe his way of eating a PB&J is random and incidental, then you're wrong. He has a plan and a purpose in mind. Among his purposes are to get a reaction out of mom, to create a mess, and to create laughter and enjoyment for himself in the process! In fact, Joshua is working on his next book entitled The Purpose Driven Meal. The book includes a whole chapter on the beauty and potential of tomato sauce.

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